Wenceslao Zuloaga

Wenceslao Zuloaga, cofundador de Ciempiés. Lleva la cabeza rapada, tiene piel aceitunada y es delgado. En la foto está vestido con un polo en tonos grises azulados y mira de frente a la cámara.

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I live and breathe math, electronics and IT.

The years I spent at the Telecommunications Tech School and, most importantly, my studies at the School of Exact Sciences of the Buenos Aires University, left me with some important concepts imprinted into my brain, which would eventually become almost a system of beliefs:

1. Every process can be improved.

2. There are surely some inefficiencies that can be avoided.

3. Murphy's Law is real.

That's why I'm always researching on methods and tools to make our lives easier, to avoid ineffectual tasks and to try and eradicate or, at least, minimize risks.

I had developed my entire career as an in-house employee and relegated traveling to vacation time, and then the pandemic came along. The restrictions and isolation it brought about proved remote work can be successful. And there was no coming back from that experience—it sowed within me the seed of a new desire: taking the office inside my baggage and achieve the coveted duty-pleasure balance.

But nerdy stuff is not all there is in life: besides programming, math, and experimenting with Arduinos and 3D printing, other activities brighten my days: running, swimming, diving, and a little gardening.

At Ciempiés, I'm in charge of all things technical—those things you won't know exist, unless they stop working.